Model workflow configuration
Registering a model run record requires referring to configuration entities which describe:
- the model being run
- the expected inputs of the model run
- the expected outputs of the model run
This configuration is contained in two critical types of entities.
A model run workflow template provides a blueprint or template for a modelling activity which consumes inputs, and produces outputs using a particular model at a particular point in time (version). Model run workflow templates point to input and output dataset templates.
A dataset template provides a blueprint for a dataset which is instantiated or satisfied at model run registration time. Dataset templates usually specify a set of resources (files and/or folders) which must be provided in the conforming dataset.
Info! It may be useful to consider templates as containers of a particular shape, which provide a structure to the data which is instantiated in a model run record. Templates (dataset and workflow) are reusable (see occurrents vs continuants for more discussion about entity reusability), while model run records are not.
Before proceeding, an understanding about the inputs and outputs of your model will be required, consider:
- what data/inputs are required to run the model?
- what parameters/configuration are required to run the model?
- what is consistent between model runs, and what changes?
- what outputs are produced by the model, is this consistent?
More information about dataset templates and model run workflow templates are provided below.
Please ensure that you have registered and/or identified the required entities before proceeding. This includes:
You will also require permission to write into the provenance store and registry.
For more information about how to access the system, see requesting access and logging in.
Warning! From this point on, it is assumed that you know how to use the entity registry to create, update, find and share entities. If not, you should see our documentation here before proceeding.
Dataset Template
What is a dataset template?
Dataset templates are referred to in model run workflow templates. They describe an expected set of data resources for a model run.
Sometimes the resources that should be present in a dataset are consistent and predictable. We refer to these resources as defined resources. A defined resource has a predictable file path which doesn’t change between model runs.
Sometimes, we know that a dataset will contain some resources, but we don’t know the specific path to that data until the model run is created. We refer to these resources as deferred resources. A deferred resource has an unpredictable or variable file path which changes between model runs.
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In the same way that model runs satisfy model run workflow templates, datasets (in the data store) satisfy dataset templates. When you register a model run, you will need to provide for each dataset template:
- a data store dataset ID which refers to a registered dataset which conforms to the template
- the file path of any deferred resources - the resource is identified by a unique key
Dataset templates are reusable and can (and should) be shared. If two models refer to a common input, they can reference a shared dataset template which describes the purpose and resources of that input.
It may be worth noting the following when deciding how to structure your dataset and workflow templates:
- a dataset template must be satisfiable by a single dataset (you can’t combine datasets together to satisfy a dataset template)
- if your model uses a shared dataset which other modellers are likely to use (or already do), consider creating a distinct dataset template which refers to this dataset so that you can share your work with other modellers more easily
- you don’t always have to satisfy a dataset template with the same dataset in different model runs. For example - you may define a ‘reef geometry file’ dataset template which contains a ‘reefs.json’ GeoJSON file. Different model runs could use a different dataset which contains a different version of this file.
- a single dataset may satisfy multiple dataset templates within a model run record. For example, you may have two dataset templates, one defines a configuration file with a deferred resource with key “config_file”, another defines a parameter file with a defined resource “model_params.json”. A model run could use a single dataset which contains a “model_params.json” file and a config file with name “config_2012_2030.json” file, satisfying both templates.
How do I register a dataset template?
If the dataset template you are creating refers to shared input data that multiple models likely reference, it is worth exploring the registry to see if others have registered a dataset template you could reuse.
To begin registration, navigate to the new entity form in the registry (for help, see registering an entity). Select the “Dataset Template” entity type. Information on the various metadata fields has been provided below.
- Display Name*: A user friendly, brief name for this dataset template? E.g. “Connectivity Matrices Input Template”
- Description*: A description which helps you and other users understand the purpose, contents and resources of this dataset template.
Defined Resources
Each dataset template contains a list of defined resources - to add a new defined resource, use the “Add Item” button under “Defined Resources”. Each defined resource (you can add as many as you need) includes the following information:
- Path*: What is the path of this resource within the dataset. All paths must use the unix path syntax, use “/” as a separator, and begin at the root of the dataset e.g. “data/connectivity/file.txt”. If you need to refer to a numerous set of files, you can either refer to the folder and describe it’s contents in the description (see “Is Folder” below), or use a blob style path e.g. “connectivity_*.nc”. If the path of the resource changes between model runs, considering using a deferred resource instead!
- Description*: A description of the resource - this should help you and other users understand the purpose, contents and usage of this resource.
- Resource Usage Type*: Select a usage type from the drop down menu. This selection should describe how the resource/data is being used. If none of the options are suitable for your use case, consider getting in contact with us to expand the list of selections.
- Optional: True or false - if checked, the resource is considered optional. Non optional resources must be present in the dataset. Optional resources are sometimes present in the dataset.
- Is Folder: True or false - if checked, the path must refer to a folder. This option is useful if you would like to describe a collection of files in a folder, rather than listing out every individual file.
- Additional Metadata: If you would like to add additional key, value annotations to this resource, you can do so by ticking “Add annotations?” and using the “+” and “-“ buttons to add and remove them. Annotations must have a key and value provided, and the keys must be unique within the resource. These annotations will be searchable which can assist you and others in discovering this entity when exploring the registry.
Deferred Resources
The metadata for a deferred resource are the same as a defined resource (above), with one exception:
- the path is unknown at dataset template registration time - instead, we define a key which is a unique (within the entity) identifier for the deferred resource. Choose a key that will help you remember which resource is which when using the template later in the provenance workflow.
Once you have completed your registration, you can view the record and take note of the identifier (noting that you can find your entity again at any time by exploring the registry).
Model Run Workflow Template
What is a model run workflow template?
A model run workflow template describes the inputs and outputs of a model run. A workflow template is intimately related to a model and therefore refers to a registered model entity.
Inputs and outputs are described by linking to registered dataset templates. For this reason - you must have registered your dataset templates before being able to register a model run workflow template.
Understanding templates |
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As the name suggests, a model run workflow template acts as a blueprint for a model run. Configuring a rich workflow template facilitates detailed and useful provenance information by providing a traceable lineage of structured inputs and outputs. We not only know what was used, but also why and how it was used.
Additionally, a model run workflow template allows the user to enforce a set of annotations that must be provided at model run registration time. These annotations are searchable, facilitating the discovery of model runs in a predictable way.
Workflow templates have been designed to facilitate reusability. By configuring a workflow template, you abstract all of the unchanging details of a model run activity into a persistent entity, minimising repetition. At model run time, this enables you to provide a minimal payload which satisfies the template in a way that the system understands and can validate.
How do I register a model run workflow template?
To begin registration, navigate to the new entity form in the registry (for help, see registering an entity). Select the “Model Run Workflow Template” entity type. This form makes use of search tools which allow you to rapidly locate existing registered entities which you need to refer to in the form. For more information about using the search tools, see filling out registry forms. For help discovering and finding registered entities, see exploring the registry. Information on the various metadata fields has been provided below.
- Display Name*: A user friendly, brief name for this model run workflow template? E.g. “Simple Coral Model v1.5 Workflow Template”
- Model*: A reference to a registered model which this workflow template is a blueprint to. You can use the search tool to help find the registered model.
- Input Dataset Templates*: A model run workflow template describes the inputs that must be provided by a model run. These inputs are described by referring to Dataset Templates. Use the “+ Add Item” button to add an input template to the list. You can use the search tool on the form to help find the input dataset template.
- Output Dataset Templates*: Outputs are defined in the same way as inputs. Ensure you have registered your output dataset template(s) and use the search tool to help locate it.
- Annotations*: A model run workflow template can optionally specify a collection of required or optional annotation keys. These annotations are provided at model run time. If required keys are not provided in a model run record, the system will not accept the record. To add annotations, tick the “Add required or optional annotations” box, and use the “+ Add Item” button in the Required or Optional sections below to add required and optional annotations respectively.
Once you have completed your registration, you can view the record and take note of the identifier (noting that you can find your entity again at any time by exploring the registry).