API Token Authorisation Flow
The offline token workflow supports running authenticated Provena API actions without any user input. This makes the workflow suitable for automated workflows without user interaction.
The process to setup secure API access token access is more involved than other methods, but provides the most flexibility in accessing API resources.
Warning! Please note that this method of access involves generating and handling a token which provides full access to your account permissions. This means it is critical that you store and handle this secret token in a secure manner. High level recommendations are provided where relevant below, but for more personalised advice, please contact your system administrators.
Process Summary
Authenticating to Provena APIs using a persistent API token involves three high level steps.
- Setup access token (1-2): run a once-off process in which you perform a standard login to generate a reusable, persistent access token
- Store token securely (3): transfer the generated token to a secure storage service where your automated workflow will be able to securely retrieve the secret
- Use token in workflow (4-8): retrieve and utilise the API token by generating fresh access tokens for use in Provena APIs
These steps are shown in the below sequence diagram.
API Token Authentication Workflow |
Implementation Details
Generating an API Access Token
The Provena source code repository (GitHub) provides a tool to help you generate an offline token.
To run this tool, you’ll need to clone the repo to your local environment. You can then navigate to the tool admin-tooling/client-scripts. This folder contains README.md which includes more detailed instructions on running the offline token generation script.
Following the readme details, run the offline tokens script command, such as
python offline_tokens.py generate-offline-token PROD token.txt
The file token.txt
will be populated with your reusable API access token. Be sure to not share this token with anyone (as it is tied to your user identity) and store it securely.
Storing the access token
When using this token, you should be sure to store and retrieve it securely. While this document won’t cover all recommendations for handling secrets securely, some recommendations include
- never store this secret in plain text
- never include this token in your git repo or in the workflow itself, instead
- use environment variables to store the token in your workflow
- use a ‘secrets as a service’ provider (e.g. AWS Secret Manager, GitHub secrets, Hashicorp Vault etc.) to store the token in an encrypted location, and retrieve it when the script is run
Using an API Access Token
As per the workflow described above, once you have generated an API token, you can use it in automated workflows by making an access token refresh request, with the API token included as your refresh token.
We recommend using the below implementation directly in Python, or as a template for implementations in other languages.
Implementation Examples
The Provena Client Tools Python library implements both the Device Auth Flow workflow (as in Device Auth Flow), and the offline token workflow.
The source code for the tool is available here.
Some implementation notes:
- the
expects akeycloak_endpoint
as an input argument - usehttps://auth.{YOUR_PROVENA_URL}/auth/realms/{YOUR_REALM_NAME}
. - the class
exposes a methodget_auth
which can be used directly with the PythonRequests
library - an example of using this method is provided as discussed below
An example instantiation is provided below:
manager = DeviceFlowManager(
For a more detailed example of using both the device auth flow and API Access token flow, see our demo notebooks