Table of contents

What is the Registry?

The RRAP Information System Registry is a centralised location to register, update, explore and share persistently identified resources.

The Registry is a critical part of the RRAP Provenance Store as it facilitates the creation of and linking between persistently identified artefacts of provenance, such as people, organisations, models and model runs.

Accessing the registry

The Registry is hosted at

Logging in

Your user session is shared between all RRAP M&DS Components - you may already be logged in. If you are logged in, you will see a profile icon and email address in the upper right hand corner:

Logged in

If you are not logged in, you will see a “Click to Login” button in the upper right hand corner:

Not Logged in

The login process for the registry is the same as other components, see logging in for more information.

Requesting access

The process of requesting access for the Registry is the same as other components. See requesting access for more information.

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